Internet Dangers

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Safety Tools

Excerpted in part from Kids Online: Protecting Your Children In Cyberspace
by Donna Rice Hughes (Revell, September 1998)

When it comes to the Internet, parents worry about pornography and sexual predators. But when it comes to precautions, only half of the parents surveyed by Family PC Magazine are taking advantage of the commercially available filtering and monitoring software that helps to protect children from the dark side of cyberspace.

Imagine your safety software tools to be your child's steering wheel, brakes and seatbelt, while driving down the Information Superhighway. Just as you would prepare your child for his or her first driving experience, plan to teach your child the rules of Internet travel and the reason for both safety rules and software tools. One without the other is inefficient and will not adequately protect your child from danger.
(See Internet Dangers)

As you examine the types of safety tools available in the market today, keep in mind your own criteria for protecting your child. Start a list of options that fit your family's needs and begin to build your own digital toolbox.

© 2001 by Donna Rice Hughes. Request permission if you wish to reprint or post.